SBIR can be the foundation for your Government Business

I write and talk a great deal about the benefits of the US Governments Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)program. At Marion Square we advise our clients that the SBIR program is not just a single contract award, instead they should view it as the potential foundation to begin to build their entire Government business.

The main reason we believe this at Marion Square is contracting. As you dig into doing business with the US Government you will find that the Government contracting process can be daunting, complicated, time-consuming, frustrating the adjectives go on and on and with that contracting can be a very real barrier to entry for many small businesses.

Being awarded a Phase 1 SBIR contract essentially provides your organization with access to a contract vehicle which Government agencies can utilize to contract directly with your company. It get’s even better…..the specific SBIR program language allows for follow on contracts to be awarded as “sole source” meaning no competition is required to award a contract. With this you make it extremely easy and efficient for the Government to do business with your company which, is a true competitive advantage.

The ability to have a direct contract vehicle with the US Government is one of the key reasons (along with Financing which we cover in a separate article) we at Marion Square advise our clients that the SBIR program must be in your plans for building out your Government business.

Harvey Morrison