Time tested, metrics based

We at Marion Square utilize a proven methodology in each of our client engagements that is time tested and metrics based. This methodology includes…

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assess + prepare

  • What are the market opportunities and where do you fit in?

  • What businesses or government agencies would be the most receptive?

  • Do you have the right certifications?

  • Is enough horsepower in place or do we need to augment it?

  • What else might be necessary to make your investment pay off?

    These questions are just a few to help yield a “go or no go” validation that provides best path forward for success while saving precious time and resources.

navigate + connect

  • Leverage our vast knowledge of what sales approaches work well

  • Access our even larger network of relevant relationships and contacts

  • Focus the conversations you need to be having with the people who
    are making the key decisions

  • Make introductions and connect the people and the dots that get everyone
    around the table

execute + deliver

  • Apply a layer of technology including CRM and outreach tools

  • Activate reseller channels and sales programming and reporting

  • Keep the message fresh and relevant

  • Capture the metrics of our progress 

  • Close deals