Time tested, metrics based
We at Marion Square utilize a proven methodology in each of our client engagements that is time tested and metrics based. This methodology includes…
assess + prepare
What are the market opportunities and where do you fit in?
What businesses or government agencies would be the most receptive?
Do you have the right certifications?
Is enough horsepower in place or do we need to augment it?
What else might be necessary to make your investment pay off?
These questions are just a few to help yield a “go or no go” validation that provides best path forward for success while saving precious time and resources.
navigate + connect
Leverage our vast knowledge of what sales approaches work well
Access our even larger network of relevant relationships and contacts
Focus the conversations you need to be having with the people who
are making the key decisionsMake introductions and connect the people and the dots that get everyone
around the table
execute + deliver
Apply a layer of technology including CRM and outreach tools
Activate reseller channels and sales programming and reporting
Keep the message fresh and relevant
Capture the metrics of our progress
Close deals